Reward System
At Colby School, we are keen to raise awareness and develop an understanding of social responsibility and self-discipline. Children receive awards or rewards, not only for academic and sporting achievement, but also for living by our school motto 'We aim to treat others as we wish to be treated', for acts of kindness, thoughtfulness, good behaviour and attitude, and for looking after their school and each other.
School Motto
'We treat others as we wish to be treated'

School Ethos

To create a caring and secure environment where all pupils can develop their academic potential and moral, social, cultural and spiritual understanding.
To foster good relations in their own and the wider community by promoting a sense of responsibility, self-discipline, tolerance and independent thinking.
'Everyone Learns, Everyone Leads, Everyone Matters'.
Head Girl and Head Boy are appointed each year from Year 6 pupils. They have a variety of responsibilities involving leadership, organisational skills and a willingness to help all children. Along with the Headteacher, they lead Assembly each Friday, welcome visitors to school and play a pivotal role in events such as our Remembrance Service.
Head Girl and Head Boy
Two pupils from Year 6 are chosen each year to represent the school at the highest level. Our head girl and head boy exemplify our Colby values at events such as Remembrance Day and act as ambassadors for the school as they meet with members of the community.
Congratulations to Sadie and Jack who are our Head Girl and Head Boy for this year.

Buddy System
Our Reception children will choose an older child as their Buddy, to be their friends and help them adjust to being at a new school. These Year 6 or 5 children also help out at our pre-school Stay and Play sessions. In 2014, Colby School won a Diana Award for their Buddy System which honours young people who work to improve the lives of others.
Merit Badge
Each class teacher chooses a Merit Badge Holder every half term. Children are chosen on the basis of exemplary behaviour, kindness and a conscientious attitude towards school work.
House System
The House System aims to promote co-operation and a sense of belonging throughout the school as well as healthy competition. All children can earn Housepoints for good work, progress, kindness and helpfulness, giving them a sense of pride and belonging. Our houses are: Sphinx (blue), Griffins (green), Phoenix (yellow) and Dragons (red). Each child will be allocated the same House as their Buddy and will wear a PE T-shirt and have a book bag in that colour. House Captains organise regular meetings and lead their teams in sporting and other competitions.
Head of Eco
With such a strong reputation for its eco work, Head of Eco is an important position at Colby School. Awarded to those who have shown an interest in, and commitment to, green issues in school, the Head of Eco is responsible for overseeing eco projects and initiatives in school and leading our eco workshops with visiting schools.