Colby Primary School is rated 'Good' by Ofsted.

Our most recent Ofsted report from 2022 is available here.
You can submit your views about the school through Ofsted's Parent View.
Colby Primary School is a very happy place where adults and pupils enjoy working
and learning.
A key strength of the school is the promotion of pupils’ personal development.
Pupils are given a wide range of opportunities to develop their social skills, for
example through older pupils working with younger ones as buddies when children
first start in Reception. The school’s house system ensures that pupils across the
age ranges get to know each other and take part in a range of different events.
Pupils are given many leadership roles in school, for example as ‘tiny teachers’ and
‘events leaders’. Pupils take care of the school’s chickens and guinea pigs, and carry
out a range of other jobs around the school and in the school garden. As a result,
pupils learn about responsibility and are exceptionally well supported in their
development into caring and sensible citizens.
Ofsted inspection