My First Day
On your child's first day, we understand that they will be excited and perhaps a little anxious. Perhaps looking through our visual guide below will help to allay those fears and reassure them that they will have fun on their first day at 'big' school.
New Reception children will start at the same time as the other children but there will be plenty of extra staff to help for the first few mornings as the children settle. If your child is upset, please be assured that a member of staff will be on hand to support them.

This is Miss Moore, your new teacher

This is Rachel who will also be looking after you

This is the gate where you will come into school
This is Maddy who is a Teaching Assistant in Amber

This is the reading area in your classroom

Your classroom is called Amber

This is where you can leave your bag and coat

These are the toilets

This is where you will have your lunch

This is the outside Amber shelter

This is Amber outdoor play area

The toys have been washed ready for you to come and play