Our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) are:
Christine Mead - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Gavin Frost - Deputy DSL
Steph Kershaw - Safeguarding Governor
Jo Brown - Chair of Governors
All can be contacted via Colby School office:
Telephone 01263 733381
Amber Class is taught by Miss Covell and Miss Moore.
Maddy, Sophia and Elli are teaching assistants in Amber.
A lovely big team of staff to look after our little people.
Sapphire Class is taught by Mrs Frost (teacher) and Miss Covell (teacher) on Fridays.
Sapphire Class is supported by Alice D and Rachel.
Emerald Class is taught by Mr Brown (teacher).
Emerald Class is supported by Alice H, Hannah B, Ben and Rachel.
Ruby Class is taught by Mrs Towers (teacher).
Ruby Class is supported by Liz.
Simon also joins the Ruby team to teach French and RE.
Amethyst Class is taught by Mr Frost (teacher) and Simon.
Ben, Maddy, Elli and Alice are our After School Club staff, joined by Simon on some days.
Megan is our Caretaker.
Barbara joins our team of teaching assistants to supervise the children at lunchtimes.
Megan and Vikki run our Colby Kitchen and cook delicious food for the whole school.
Simon runs Breakfast Club.
Mrs Lindsay Green and Mrs Helene Smith are our school secretaries.
Hannah Everett is a teacher and our Special Needs Co-ordinator. She works throughout the school supporting children with their learning.
Bec Simpson teaches piano and Ashley Burgoyne teaches guitar.
And finally there’s me, Christine Mead. I’m very proud to be the Headteacher of Colby School and very privileged to work with the lovely team of people above, who work so hard to provide the best opportunities for our children.
There are no Trade Union Officials at Colby School.