Extra-Curricular and Lunchtime
We are very proud of the number and variety of extra-curricular lunchtime and After School clubs that we offer at Colby School. Clubs available during the year include: art, athletics, book club, choir, cookery, cricket, cross country, dance, dodgeball, drama, eco, gardening, boys' football (KS1 and KS2), girls' football, guitar, handbells, Lego, maths, piano, recorders, science.
We also have one-off clubs led by School Council or Friends of Colby School such as film club, 'BFG and Your Tea', Easter Club, Pumpkin Club and Christmas Club.

After School Club
In addition to the clubs listed above, we also offer an After School Club Monday to Friday until 5pm. This club costs £5 per pupil per session. Parents can pay in advance or on the day.
Children are offered a range of activities to keep them busy and entertained which varies according to the weather, group size and group interests.
Children can be collected at any time during the After-School Club session but must be collected by 5pm when staff supervision ends.

Lunchtime Clubs
Children have lots of opportunities for energetic, creative, fun and stimulating activities during their lunch break. We employ ten members of staff to supervise lunchtimes because we believe that having a fantastic break leads to a good afternoon of learning. We want children to look forward to lunchtimes and use them as a time to develop their social skills, resilience and sporting ability.
Pupil and House Leaders
Pupil leaders play a significant role in leading lunchtime activities, supervised by members of staff. They plan and deliver sessions with enthusiasm and we are very proud that the children are able to lead in this way.
House competitions are also held during the lunch break where every child can take part in various activities and earn House Points.

Lunchtime Activities
Lunchtime opportunities include: football (KS1 and KS2), cross country, go-karting, basketball, hand bells, art, eco, gardening and outdoor learning, Wii fitness, tug-of-war, Lego, knitting, digital leaders, computing, guinea pig care.