Awards and Grants
Over the years, Colby School has received a number of awards and grants for its work with young people, especially its environmental projects and initiatives. We feel very proud that the children and staff have been recognised for the work that they do and the fact that, at Colby School, we strive to achieve things beyond the set curriculum.

Norwich and Norfolk Eco Awards 2020
At the Norwich and Norfolk Eco Awards held at St Andrew's Hall in Norwich, Colby School were winners of the Eco Primary School Award. The judges congratulated the school on the diversity of eco projects and initiatives taking place at school and their on-going commitment to environmental issues. The Heads of Eco collected the award and three tablets on behalf of the school.
Eco Schools Award
Eco-Schools is the largest education programme in the world, engaging millions of children across 67 countries, and empowering them to drive environmental change. Colby School have been awarded their Green Flag, the highest award in the programme, in recognition of the important eco work that is carried out in school. The whole school worked hard to meet the Green Flag criteria, focusing in particular on waste and recycling, litter and healthy living.

In 2019, Colby School were awarded Highly Commended in the Better Energy School Awards for Excellence in Environmental Education for its Bee and Butterfly Garden. The awards promote cross-curricular work on the environment and the engagement of children aged 5-11 years in eco work. The school received a certificate and £100.
In November 2018, Colby Primary School were awarded the Engaged Youth Award by CPRE The Countryside Charity. At a ceremony held in Norwich Cathedral, the judges praised the Colby Eco Hub and Green Energy Outreach Programme for its engagement with children at Colby School and other local primary schools.
Co-op Local Community Fund
In 2018, Colby School were chosen as one of three local charities that would be supported by the Co-op Local Community Fund. The school were thrilled to be given a grant of £1,627.05, raised by Co-op members over a 12 month period. The grant will be used to create a Community Eco Garden and Play Area in the school garden.

Norwich and Norfolk Eco Awards 2018
In 2018, Sarah Cox was voted the Norwich and Norfolk Eco Hero for 2017-2018 at a ceremony held at Blackfriars in Norwich. Sarah was given the award for the work that she does at Colby School in promoting eco issues and organising projects and activities that benefit the children's learning about the environment.
North Norfolk District Council Litter Pickers
Following a request from the Colby Eco Council, in 2018 North Norfolk District Council donated ten litter pickers to the School to allow more children to carry out regular litter picks around the school grounds and car park, as well as in the local community.

Eric Allaway Fund
The Colby Bee and Butterfly Garden was created in memory of Eric Allaway, a former governor and eco hero, who had a massive impact on the school and its pupils for many years. Eric died in 2016 at the age of 90 but we still remember him fondly for his contribution to the school. The appearance of a huge number of daffodils around the school each Spring, planted in his memory, form a fitting tribute to his love of nature.
Vattenfall Grant
Grants from the Swedish green energy company Vattenfall have enabled Colby pupils to further their environmental studies. A grant in 2017 allowed ninety children to visit the Green Britain Centre in Swaffham, Norfolk and climb the 67m Ecotricity wind turbine. In 2018, Colby School were awarded further funds to provide reference books, teaching staff and art materials, as well as equipment donated by Vattenfall, to set up their Green Energy Outreach Programme.

In 2017, Colby School was awarded £250 from Norfolk Plant Heritage to fund the purchase of plants and seeds for the school's new Bee and Butterfly Garden. Norfolk Plant Heritage were highly impressed by the design for the garden which was created by a member of the Eco Council.
Arts North Norfolk Grant
In 2017 Colby School made a successful application to Arts North Norfolk for funding to create an outdoor theatre area in the school garden. A grant of £650 was awarded to the school which was then matched by Friends of Colby School and allowed the project to be completed. The school now has a large stage attached to the back of an existing building which it uses for drama, music, assemblies and dance.

In 2014, Colby School won a Diana Award for their Buddy System. The award honours young people who work to improve the lives of others. In our Buddy System, Reception children will choose an older child as their Buddy, to be their friend and help them adjust to being at a new school. Older children also help at our pre-school Stay and Play sessions and sometimes assist as mini Teaching Assistants in KS1 classes.