The children and staff of Colby School, along with Friends of Colby School, have embarked on many big projects to improve and enhance the school and the experiences of the children that attend it. From launching a unique eco outreach programme, providing a new classroom and toilet block, and creating new and exciting spaces in the garden, the school is always looking for new challenges.

The Green Energy Outreach Programme is an educational project aimed at teaching Primary School children about renewable energy and preserving our natural resources. It is the culmination of eco work carried out at Colby School over a number of years, including a recent collaboration with green energy company Vattenfall.
Colby Recycled Garden
In 2020, a garden made from recycled materials was created at the front entrance to the school. Paths were created from a range of recycled materials, 'flowers' were made from plastic bottles and bottle tops and lids, and metal buckets and other containers were reused as planters.
The Colby Bee and Butterfly Garden was created in 2019, sponsored by the Eric Allaway Fund and Plant Heritage. Designed by one of our Eco Council, the garden is enclosed by rustic tree trunks which shelter and protect wildlife and provide an important habitat for bugs and insects. Two large beds, full of plants and flowers to encourage a wide range of pollinators, are divided by a bark path. The garden leads to a woodland area with fruit trees and shaded areas for the children to sit and observe nature.
Colby Eco Hub
in 2017, Colby School launched the Colby Eco Hub Project which builds upon the school's credentials and reputation as an eco school. The focus of the project is to set up the school as a centre for environmental learning at a primary education level. The hub encompasses a range of environmental projects and initiatives including the Green Energy Outreach Programme which will soon be housed in a purpose-built outdoor classroom. We see the Colby Eco Hub as an opportunity to do something very special at Colby School which will greatly benefit the pupils at the school and the wider community in years to come.

Five years ago, Friends of Colby School launched a fundraising project to raise money for some much needed extra hand washing and toilet facilities for the school. In the summer of 2020, the new toilet block was completed. After some further fundraising, a new outdoor classroom was also installed in the garden which will be used for outdoor learning and house the Colby Eco Hub.
Stage and Outdoor
Theatre Area
Funding from Arts North Norfolk and Friends of Colby School has allowed the school to create an outdoor theatre area in the school garden, enclosed by the new toilet block and outdoor classroom. The raised stage, with spotlights above, is used for a variety of drama, music and dance sessions, as well as outdoor assemblies and meetings.